Programming Dish Remote Control Codes to a Sharp TV

A defective or lost remote can easily sour your viewing experience. If you want an interruption-free binge session, you need to include a universal remote control in your entertainment setup as a backup! For Sharp TV users, here’s a quick guide on how you can successfully integrate a Dish universal remote to your TV. 

Table of Contents

Programming Dish Remote Control Codes to Sharp Televisions

In order to properly integrate a Dish remote control with a Sharp TV, you need to utilize sets of codes. In this guide, our technical team will show you how to incorporate these sets of numbers that will establish the connection between your TV and remote. 

Remember to proceed with each step properly and watch out for any signals from your TV and remote to ensure the success of the programming. Here are all the steps:

1. List down all the codes that correspond to your remote so that it would be easier to provide it later.

2. Once you have the specific codes, ensure that the TV you wish to program with your remote is plugged in and turned on. Also check if your remote has working batteries installed so it will function properly until the end.  

3. Using your remote, press the TV button. 

4. Next, press and hold the SETUP button for a few seconds until you see a light flashing or blinking. When the light flashes, it means that it is in “Learning Mode.” 

dish remote

5. Once it’s on the Learning Mode, enter the three, four, or five digit code you have gathered earlier. Use the number keys of your remote control to accomplish this step.

6. Point your remote control toward your television, then press and hold the power button for a few seconds. Release the button once the TV completely turns off. 

7. When the TV shuts down, it’s a sign that the process worked and that you have entered a valid code. If it didn’t, enter an alternative code from the same list. 

8. After providing a code that works, check if the TV responds to other other remote commands. Try the channel, volume, and other buttons and see if the TV follows the commands. 

Take note that some codes won’t work on your first attempt. This is the reason why there are more sets below you can try once a code fails to work. Simply repeat the first step and get a code that works with your TV.

Sharp TV on a table

Dish Network Universal Remote Control Codes for Sharp TVs

3-Digit Codes for 20.1 & 21.1 Dish Remotes

  • 521 556 654 535 546 645 505 572 628 898 627 605 651 739 803 835 629 115 573 702 836 655 422 515 658 051 663 000 740 511 564 720 143 512 100 607 666 523 442 551 547 123 500 768 741 251 263 606 997 555 933 427 213 001 615 585 369 322

3-Digit Codes for 20.0 & 21.0 Dish Remotes

  • 628 556 521 535 505 645 572 627 654 835 651 546 585 605 369 898 526 607 573 803 739 740 629 655 115 658 515 663 702 836 001 422 000 606 051 427 720 615 178 555 511 213 442 564 667 143 777 512 363 100 541 666 152 523 322 551 705 619 547 312 123 632 500 263 285 768 111 571 741 813 251 329 508 997 700 502 933

3-Digit Codes for 10.1 Dish Remotes

  • 628 556 535 645 521 526 740 585 520 605 607 739 629 652 608 654 655 658 669 670 674 679 741

3-Digit Codes for 6.2 Dish Remotes

  • 605 556 535 645 521 739 526 658 585 740 669 607 670 628 674 629 679 652 741 654 608 655

3-Digit Codes for 5.4 & 6.4 Dish Remotes

  • 741 556 535 645 521 605 628 526 739 652 585 773 128 777 607 803 836 629 505 898 913 654 835 655 674 740 658 794 422 541 500 517

3-Digit Codes for 3.4 & 4.4 Dish Remotes

  • 605 556 535 645 521 739 526 506 505 585 628 835 607 713 629 606 740 652 908 741 654 655 803 658 610 836 679 777 913 794 500 898 529

3-Digit Codes for 1.5 Blue Button Remotes

  • 628 556 535 645 526 605 585 740 591 607 606 629 608

3-Digit Codes for Platinum Dish Remotes

  • 605 556 535 645 521 628 526 591 585 740 607 606 629 652 654 608 655 658 669 670 674 679 739 741

3-Digit Codes for Platinum Plus Remotes

  • 628 556 535 645 526 605 585 608 591 740 606 607 629

3-Digit Codes for Dish Network Basic Remote

  • 740 556 535 645 005 629 214 605 277 835 521 898 546 958 960 572 628 627 654 655 803 658 663 965 702 739 836 986 995

3-Digit Codes for Dish Network EZRemote

  • 526 556 535 645 740 585 605 591 606 607 608 629 628

4-Digit Codes (40.0, 50.0, 52.0, 54.0) for Newer Models

  • 2360 1756 4398 0818 0688 3183 0178 0885 2183 4618 2049 2434 0689 0706 0093 4740 0491 4507 3394 4892 0851 3519 1602 4121


Willie Greer
Willie Greer
Willie Greer is the founder of The Product Analyst. A cinephile, he has made it a personal quest to achieve the awesomest home theater possible. He now shares what he has learned through the years on the site, and has enlisted the help of tech-savvy colleagues in providing more insight about today’s most sought-after gadgets.