You may be watching an interesting show on your TV, and momentarily, the audio starts to fluctuate, refusing to respond to your remote commands, or the volume won’t give out any sound. If you’ve been experiencing these issue but don’t know how to fix them, you have come to the right place. Our technical support team will help you to get through each issue with corresponding solutions.
Troubleshooting Common Vizio TV Volume Problems
You may be experiencing issues with your Vizio TV’s volume for several reasons, such as the audio setting not being in sync with your device, damaged cable, firmware bug, or the output settings. Do note that specks of dust can hinder a TV volume’s responses, so make sure to regularly tidy your remote and TV as well as your overall viewing setup.
Regardless of the cause of the audio malfunction, below are more troubleshooting tips you should try out first before other alternatives.
#1: Volume Fluctuations/Volume Goes Up and Down
Fluctuating volume usually happens due to incompatibility or improper syncing between the device and the TV. The main thing you should look out for here is the SRS TruVolume function.
Deactivate SRS TruVolume
This function results in a better audio experience, but it can conflict with the settings of an external device. Therefore, you should disable it. To do this:

Select ‘Menu’ on the remote, scroll to Audio Settings and click. Go to Advanced Audio and switch off the RSS TruVolume. Other functions like TruSurround can affect audio settings, so you should disable it too.
Update Firmware
Your TV’s firmware could have a bug, and that can make the audio malfunction. Typically, your TV will automatically update when there’s a new update. If it doesn’t, you should check if there’s one available.
To check the availability of an update; Select ‘Menu’ > Settings > Check for Updates. Install manually if there’s one available.
Factory Reset
A factory reset reverts the TV to its default state. This means that all your saved settings and content would be erased. Our engineers recommend that you do this when you are out of options troubleshooting your Vizio television problems.

To factory reset; Select “Menu” on the remote, scroll to System, and click. Select Reset & Admin > Reset TV to Factory Defaults. Input your passcode or the default one, which is 0000.
Tap on Reset and confirm. Your TV will reboot after doing that.
Check for Secondary Audio Programming
Sometimes, your other device may have some functions turned on, such as audio leveling. This is another common Vizio TV volume problem. Our team advises that you turn it off.
#2: Inaudible Sound/Volume Too Low
Check Satellite Box and Other Connected Devices
If you are using a Satellite box, our experts recommend switching it to HDMI Fixed to correct the low volume.
Disable SRS TruSurround or SRS TruVolume
SRS TruSurround and TruVolume can cause low volume. You can disable this by going to Menu > Audio Settings > Advanced Audio > SRS TruSurround.

#3: Audio Abruptly Cuts Out
Power Cycle the TV
Switch off the TV and disconnect the power cord from the television’s back or the power outlet [1]. Press down the power button on the device for five seconds, and plug the power cord back.
After doing this, check if there’s power on the TV. If none, try plugging into another outlet.
Check Connection of Other Connected Devices (Gaming Consoles, Soundbars, Etc.)
Your connected devices could be the culprits. Check if there’s any audio leveling or advanced audio setting activated. If there is, turn it off.
Use Another Cable for Connected Devices
Faulty cables can affect the volume. Make sure the one you are using isn’t damaged, and if it is, change or replace it.
Factory Reset
A factory rest usually corrects most issues on a TV. Unlike a hard reset, this method will revert the TV to its default setting. This means all your saved preferences would be erased.

To do this: Select ‘Menu’ on the remote, go to Settings and tap, and navigate to Reset & Admin > Reset TV to Factory Defaults.
Input your passcode and click ‘Reset.’ Wait for the TV to restart before setting it up.
#4: No Volume
Change Volume Control Display Setting
The Volume Control Setting can be accessed through the TV’s Settings. Select Menu > Settings > Audio Settings > Volume Control and disable it.
Why does my Vizio TV keep losing sound?
Your Vizio TV keeps losing sound because of a damaged cable, firmware bug, audio output settings, and incompatibility between the connected device and the TV.
No TV is without problems, considering that they are electrically operated. But, when issues arise, you should be able to deal with them. This is why our experts came up with troubleshooting tips to solve your Vizio TV volume problems. So, whenever your TV develops a volume issue, you should try these tips first before taking it for repairs.
To maintain your TV well, you can always follow these helpful guides: