Programming RCA 3 Digit Universal Remote Codes

Programming RCA 3 Digit Universal Remote Codes

Would you agree that entertainment is a very important element for one’s relaxation and leisure? Include for days when your boredom strikes? Entertainment does relieve stress and is an antidote for physical exhaustion. However, it is also agreeable that having entertainment is somewhat hassle especially if you have to deal with multiple remote controls. It’s very irritating because you have to deal with each of them to find the right one and activate all your equipment and devices. Is that the kind of entertainment you want?

Table of Contents

Programming RCA 3 Digit Universal Remote Codes

If not, then consider yourself lucky because codes are here to save you from that. Codes are a unique set of digits that when encoded properly into the device or equipment create a universal command across all remote controls. This is permitted by programming. Also, these codes are uniquely designed to the brand and device type or equipment you have so you are ensured with compatibility. If this sounds easy for now, it may not be the same when you get to the encoding part. That task requires your patience and focus. If you’re not tech-savvy, all the more that you need to take that tip seriously because you might have to repeat steps later on. That’s why working slowly but surely does the trick. 

Once you have completed the task, get ready to experience a new kind of entertainment. Something that’s hassle-free, stress-free, no involvement of multiple remote controls only enjoyment and fun! For a detailed step-by-step process of the task, check out the tutorial given below this text. 

1. Each type of device has its own code. So make sure the list down the needed RCA remote codes for the device type that you wish to program with your remote so you can use it as a reference and directly provide them when asked during the process. 

2. Power on the device that you wish to program. In this case, your television. Aside from turning on your device, make sure your remote has working batteries on it so it can work seamlessly during the process and won’t interrupt the programming. 

3. Press and hold the SETUP button and wait until a light flashes. This is an indicator that the process is now on Learning Mode which means the device and remote are ready to be programmed. 

rca 3 digit

4. Using your remote control number keys, enter the code from the ones that you have gathered from the list. Make sure to enter the correct pattern of codes so it will work. Take note that it should be a code from the designated brand and device type. 

5. Aim your remote control towards the device and press the power button, release if the TV is turned off to confirm programming. Once it is turned off, turn it back on to test it out and verify if it actually worked. 

6. To further confirm if it is fully functioning, turn back on the device and test out multiple remote keys to ensure that it is following its specific commands such as volume, channel, and others. 

7. If it does, you can do the same process and apply the same steps on other devices. However, if it doesn’t repeat the steps from the beginning and use another code. 

There are certain reasons why the codes are not working. Although it’s completely normal that it won’t push through on the first try. That’s the main point why there are multiple codes provided, so you can use another one when the first one won’t work. This may take up a few minutes of your time since there’s really a possibility that you need to repeat the steps. Another factor would be your remote has deteriorating batteries on it which causes the remote to not function well and prevents them from following the commands. Make sure to use new batteries. Lastly, some objects might be blocking your TV which is why it can’t detect any command from the remote. See to it that there are no blocking objects in front of your device. 

rca 3 digit 2

3 Digit RCA Universal Remote Control Codes

Here are the codes: 

  • Abex 172
  • Admiral 001 046 047 083 095 173 191 211
  • Adventura 174
  • Aiko 016
  • Akai 002
  • Alleron 046 047
  • Amtron 038
  • Anam National 003 038 192 193 194
  • AOC 004 005 006 007 082 195 196
  • Apex 236 240 241
  • Audiovox 038
  • Belcor 004
  • Bell & Howell 001 048 049 073 083 162
  • Bradford 038
  • Broksonic 000 004 250 280
  • Brokwood 004
  • Candle 004 006 008 132 174 196
  • Celebrity 002
  • Citizen 004 006 008 016 038 105 132 171 196
  • Colortyme 004 006 010 196 200
  • Concerto 004 006 196
  • Contec/Cony 012 013 038 063
  • Craig 038
  • Crosley 000 062
  • Crown 038 062 130 171
  • Curtis Mathes 000 004 006 015 048 049 073 105 162 171 196 212
  • CXC 038
  • Daewoo 004 005 006 016 017 082 127 171 190 196 202
  • Daytron 004 006 171 196
  • Dimensia 000 212
  • Dumont 004 151 196 217
  • Dynatech 004
  • Electroband 002
  • Electrohome 000 002 003 004 006 019 020 022 064 196
  • Emerson 004 006 012 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 041 042 043 044 046 047 048 049 073 123 124 162 171 177 179 191 196 208
  • Envision 004 006 196
  • Fisher 048 049 051 073 162 180
  • Fujitsu 046 047
  • Funai 038 046 047 189
  • Futuretec 038
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  • GE 000 003 004 006 022 052 054 055 064 087 100 164 165 166 167 168 181 196 203 212 213 233
  • Gilbralter 004 151
  • Goldstar 004 005 006 012 019 056 057 058 082 155 156 171 172 196
  • Grundy 038 046 047 171
  • Hallmark 004 006 196
  • Harvard 038
  • Hisense 237
  • Hitachi 004 006 012 013 059 060 061 063 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 148 150 179 185 196 198 199
  • IMA 038
  • Infinity 062 130
  • Janeil 174
  • JBL 062 130
  • JCB 002
  • JC Penney 000 004 005 006 008 013 022 052 054 055 057 058 063 064 072 082 087 100 104 105 109 132 166 167 171 172 181 196 201 203 207 212 233
  • Jensen 004 006 196
  • JVC 012 013 054 055 060 063 065 066 067 123 157 158 159 182 239
  • Kawasho 002 004 006 196
  • Kenwood 004 006 019 196
  • KLH 236 240 241
  • Kloss Novabeam 038 068 069 174 183
  • KTV 038 070 171 177
  • LG 005 082
  • Loewe 062 130
  • Logik 001 083
  • Luxman 004 006 196
  • LXI 000 006 048 049 062 071 072 073 100 109 130 162 181 196 203 207 212 233
  • Magnavox 000 004 006 008 019 062 068 069 075 076 077 088 130 131 132 133 134 183 196 219 235
  • Majestic 001 083
  • Marantz 004 006 059 062 078 130 196 199
  • Megatron 006 059 196 199
  • Memorex 001 005 006 046 047 048 049 073 082 083 162 191 196
  • MGA 004 005 006 019 022 051 064 079 080 082 196
  • Midland 054 055 151 171 172 181
  • Minutz 052
  • Mitsubishi 004 005 006 019 022 051 064 079 080 081 082 125 135 196
  • Montgomery Ward 001 083
  • Motorola 003 173
  • MTC 004 005 006 082 105 196
  • Multitech 038
  • Multivision 084
  • NAD 006 071 072 109 136 185 196 207
  • NEC 003 004 005 006 010 082 196 200
  • Nikko 006 016 196
  • NTC 016
  • Onwa 038
  • Optimus 136 185
  • Optonica 095 173
  • Orion 030 035 191 208
  • Panasonic 003 054 055 062 109 130 170 214 350 351
  • Philco 003 004 005 006 008 012 019 062 068 069 075 077 082 088 130 132 134 183 196
  • Philips 002 003 004 008 012 019 062 068 069 075 076 086 087 088 130 132 134 167 183 196
  • Pilot 004 171 196
  • Pioneer 004 006 090 091 092 136 179 185 196
  • Portland 004 005 006 016 082 171 196
  • Price Club 105
  • Prima 238
  • Prism 054 055
  • PROSCAN 000 100 181 203 212 233
  • Proton 004 006 012 093 196
  • Pulsar 004 151
  • Quasar 003 054 055 070 109 170 214
  • Radio Shack 000 048 049 073 162 212
  • Radio Shack/Realistic 004 006 012 038 048 049 073 095 162 171 172 196
  • RCA 000 003 004 005 006 007 019 054 055 082 096 098 099 100 101 102 103 129 179 181 188 190 196 202 203 212 215 233 281 352
rca 3 digit 4
  • Runco 151 217
  • Sampo 004 006 171 172 196 242
  • Samsung 004 005 006 012 013 015 017 019 082 104 105 106 171 172 196 201 204
  • Sansui 191 208 282
  • Sanyo 004 048 049 073 080 107 162 169 180 196
  • Scotch 006 196
  • Scott 004 006 012 024 035 038 046 047 196
  • Sears 000 004 006 013 019 046 047 048 049 051 063 066 071 072 073 100 109 110 162 180 181 189 196 203 207 212 233
  • Sharp 004 006 012 026 029 095 111 112 113 122 171 173 196
  • Shogun 004 196
  • Signature 001 083 173
  • Simpson 008
  • Sony 002 205 216 218
  • Soundesign 004 006 008 038 046 047 132 196
  • Squareview 189
  • SSS 004 038
  • Starlite 038
  • Supre-Macy 174
  • Supreme 002
  • Sylvania 004 006 008 019 062 068 069 075 076 077 088 116 130 132 134 161 183 196 353
  • Symphonic 026 029 033 038 046 047 155 189
  • Tandy 173
  • Tashiko 072
  • Tatung 003
  • Technics 054 055
  • Techwood 004 006 054 055 196
  • Teknika 001 004 005 006 008 012 013 016 038 046 047 063 076 082 083 105 132 170 171 196 214
  • Telecaption 117
  • Tera 004 012 093
  • TMK 004 006 196
  • Toshiba 000 048 049 071 072 073 105 109 117 118 160 161 162 190 201 207 283
  • Totevision 171
  • Universal 052 087 166 167
  • Victor 066 182
  • Vidtech 004 005 006 196
  • Viking 174
  • Wards 000 001 004 005 006 019 024 033 046 047 052 062 068 069 075 076 082 083 087 088 095 119 120 130 134 166 167 173 183 196 212
  • White Westinghouse 000 001 190 191
  • Yamaha 004 005 006 019 082 196
  • Zenith 000 001 004 051 083 151 152 153 154 196 210 217


Picture of Willie Greer
Willie Greer
Willie Greer is the founder of The Product Analyst. A cinephile, he has made it a personal quest to achieve the awesomest home theater possible. He now shares what he has learned through the years on the site, and has enlisted the help of tech-savvy colleagues in providing more insight about today’s most sought-after gadgets.