How to Refoam Speakers? Restore Your Speaker to Its Former Glory

Foam surrounds have become the new trend because they deteriorate slower than rubber surrounds. However, foam surrounds speakers don’t last forever and at some point, they start deteriorating. 

Once this happens, you should start thinking of repairing it by refoaming your speakers. In this post, our experts will talk about how to refoam speakers for a better listening experience.

How to Refoam Speakers

To refoam speakers, you’ll need the following materials and tools:

  • Refoam kit that includes foam, brown contact glue, shims, paintbrushes, and dust cap.
  • Hairdryer (optional)
  • Masking tape
  • Utility knife/scalpel

Can Your Speakers Be Refoamed?

Yes, you can refoam your speakers. But you have to be meticulous what to choose because not every type of speaker can be refoamed. To avoid mistakes, try to examine the conditions of the coil and cone. If they are pretty bad, refoaming will be unnecessary. You’ll need to replace the parts immediately.

Polk Audio S20 Signature Series Bookshelf Speakers

Detach Speakers from Cabinet

Before doing this, gently mark the terminals so that you don’t encounter any mistakes when attaching them back again in one piece. This can be a big issue, especially when you’re doing it for the first time.

Once marked, detach the speakers and its components from the construction and keep in a safe area to avoid loss.

Disassemble the Gasket

Disassembling the gasket from the foam’s exterior is the second step. This will require you use a utility knife or scalpel, as any of these tools can go round the edges to remove the gasket. However, you need to be very meticulous so as not to damage sensitive components, including the gasket.

Gently Remove and Clean the Old Foam

The gasket is out, and what we do next is important. Remove the foam gently from the cone, a hollow structure beside the frame.

damaged foam speakers

Sometimes, you might see excess glue around the foam, and this can prevent the foam from fitting it. Should such an incident occur, use a paintbrush to remove them until the excesses are minimized. However, our team recommends to discard the foam if it’s beyond redemption.

Detach Dust Cap and Beauty Rings

Not all speaker models have a beauty ring, so you might just have to remove the dust cap only. However, if yours have one, gently remove it alongside the cap. For clarification sake, a beauty ring is what covers the gasket for added protection.

If the ring is stubborn to be taken out, which is common, use a hairdryer to soften its hold. Then take it out gently.

If the dust cap is in good shape, you can clean the specks of dust and whatever impurity that’s inside. Use masking tape to remove any dirt that may lie inside the voice coil.

Insert Vertical Strips

The foam kit contains vertical strips or shim locks. Surrounding the voice coil with these vertical strips will lock the coil in place to avoid rubbing against the speaker’s magnet. If it does, it can affect sound output.

removing damaged speaker foams

Attach the strips around the coil evenly in a clockwise direction until there are no spaces around for further additions.

Place New Foam, Gasket, and Dust Caps

The new foam may not be exactly the same size as the previous one, so you have to measure or cut to size for proper fitting.

Every foam kit has glue, so use the one included in yours to put the foam in place[1]. First, put some on a paintbrush and apply on the foam. Using the same brush, apply some glue around the cone edges.

Press the foam into the center of the cone and ensure it’s adequately secured to the edges. There must be no spaces within the cone edges.

Collect Pieces Back to the Cabinet

If the old gasket is still okay, our team recommends putting it back to the cabinet. But our experts’ advice is to use the new gasket included in the foam kit, as you may not know the condition of the former one.

installing new foam

Trim the new gaskets to the correct size if need be, apply a layer of glue on the gasket and install when semi-dry. Secure using a masking tape. Adhesives usually take time to dry completely, so you have to allow it dry. Once it’s dry, remove the strips. 

Apply some glue to the dust cap and fix in its original position. Install the wires as well and that’s it. You have successfully refoamed your speaker.


How much does it cost to refoam a speaker?

It costs between $30 and $80 to refoam a speaker. However, that depends on the speaker’s size and brand. Refoaming a speaker is usually less than finding a replacement speaker.

When Should I Refoam My Speakers?

You should refoam speakers when the sound quality becomes compromised. Foam surrounds deteriorate over time, so it’s essential that you refoam them periodically.


Foam surrounds deteriorate, and when they do, sound quality is affected. That’s why our experts see refoaming speakers as crucial.

Pioneer TSW126M

Refoaming your speakers will boost your woofer’s sound efficiency by preventing the voice coil from rubbing the magnet, which can cause the surroundings to sag. Fortunately, our experts have provided the required tools and described the steps on how to refoam speakers successfully. 


Picture of Willie Greer
Willie Greer
Willie Greer is the founder of The Product Analyst. A cinephile, he has made it a personal quest to achieve the awesomest home theater possible. He now shares what he has learned through the years on the site, and has enlisted the help of tech-savvy colleagues in providing more insight about today’s most sought-after gadgets.