Programming GE Universal Remote Codes for Vizio TV

Codes are used for programming a single remote that enables it to control multiple devices. There are tons of codes based on the device brand and device type. If your television is from Vizio, you can definitely use GE universal remote codes for Vizio TV to program your remote and make your life easier and better. We have listed down the codes that you will need, along with a simple guide to help you out.

Table of Contents

Programming GE Remote Codes for Vizio TV

Programming your remote control will take up to a few hours after this process so makes sure to allocate free time when doing so. Some of the codes won’t work, that’s why multiple codes are being provided for you to try out some of them until it pushes through. To further guide you with the process, here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can program your remote control with your Vizio TV.

1. Turn on your Vizio TV and make sure that your remote is fully functional to avoid any interruption in the whole process. 

2. Prepare the codes from the list so you can automatically provide them when asked during the process. 

3. Using your GE Remote press and hold the SETUP button until the red light turns on. 

Vizio TV

4. Then, press the device button. The red light must blink once and will remain on. 

5. Enter the code from the list that corresponds with the device.

6. If the code pushes through, it means your remote control is now programmed with your Vizio TV. 

7. Try to turn it off and turn it back on again. If it follows the command, test out other keys to further verify if it’s really working completely. 

You may repeat the steps if some buttons don’t work. Just choose another code from the list and test out the remote keys once again to verify. 

Vizio TV Remote

GE Universal Remote Codes for Vizio TV

3-Digit Codes for GE Remotes Purchased Before 2006

  • 081

4-Digit Codes (V1) for 2006-2011 Models

  • 1169, 1168, 0081, 0112, 0143, 1011, 0050

4-Digit Codes (Mixed V2/V4) for 2011-2012 Models

  • 5450, 5109, 5115, 5138, 5139, 5343

4-Digit Codes (V2) Manufactured Around 2011

  • 5109, 5115, 5139, 5343, 5450

4-Digit Codes (V4) Manufactured Around 2012

  • 5450, 5109, 5115, 5138, 5139, 5343

 4-Digit Codes (Mixed V3/V5/CL3/CL4/CL5) for New Models

  • 1471, 5611, 5621, 5631, 1741, 2021, 2901, 6471, 3351, 6511, 3651, 3741, 3851, 4081, 6121, 6131, 5561, 5571, 5581, 5591, 5601, 5641, 5651, 6111, 5661, 5671, 5681, 5691, 5701, 5711

4-Digit Codes (V3) Manufactured Around 2012

  • 2901, 1471, 1741, 2021, 3651, 3741, 3851, 4081

4-Digit Codes (V5) Manufactured Around 2013

  • 1471, 1741, 2021, 2901, 3351, 3651, 3741, 3851, 4081

4-Digit Codes (CL3) GE Remotes Manufactured After 2013

  • 5561, 5571, 5581, 5591, 5601, 5611, 5621, 5631, 5641, 5651, 5661, 5671, 5681, 5691, 5701, 5711, 2901, 1471, 1741, 2021, 3651, 3741, 3851,4081.

4-Digit Codes (CL4) GE Remotes Manufactured After 2016

  • 5631, 5561, 6121, 6131, 5611, 6111, 5651, 5621, 5711

4-Digit Codes (CL5) GE Remotes Manufactured After 2019

  • 5631, 5611, 5561, 6471, 6511, 6121, 6131, 6111, 5651, 5621, 5711


Willie Greer
Willie Greer
Willie Greer is the founder of The Product Analyst. A cinephile, he has made it a personal quest to achieve the awesomest home theater possible. He now shares what he has learned through the years on the site, and has enlisted the help of tech-savvy colleagues in providing more insight about today’s most sought-after gadgets.